среда, 7 апреля 2021 г.

Form 6. Lesson 2. Film fans

What types of films do you know? Write.
Якія віды фільмаў ведаеш? Дапішы (стрэлачак можа быць больш)

Do you know what can be film? Learn new adjectives to answer.
Ты ведаеш, якімі могуць быць фільмы? Вывучы новыя прыметнікі каб адказаць (Active vocabular у падручніку, ст. 187). 

Let's practise new vocabulary! Do the crossword!
Практыкуемся ўжываць новыя словы. Рашы красворд.

Read the textes in your book - ex. 2a, p. 187-188. Write about your favourite films.
Прачытай тэксты у тваім падручніку - пр. 2а, ст. 187-188. Напішы аб сваім любімым фільме.

Answer the questions.
Адкажы на пытанні, выкарыстай словазлучэнні, якія запісаны ў дужках.

1. Why do people go to the cinema? - (to get pleasure, to have a rest, to get emotions)
I think people go to the cinema to get pleasure.

2. Why does your mother like romantic films? — (they are touching)

3. Why do you watch comedies so often? (amusing, funny)

4. Why do boys watch action films? - (have a lot of fighting)

5. Why are your parents like western? - (have a lot of adventure in the Wild West)

вторник, 6 апреля 2021 г.

Form 6. Lesson 1. Film, Film, Film!

Start with new vocabulary! Write new words in your vocabulary book!
Пачынаем з новых слоў да нашага ўрока. Запішы сабе ў слоўнік. (ст. 184 у падручніку)

Practise new vocabulary: TYPES OF FILMS (Нажмі, каб пазнаёміцца з новымі словамі).

Do the exercises 3a, 4а, p. 185-186 in your book. What types of films is it? 
Выканай пр. 3а, 4а, ст. 185-186 у тваім падручніку. Якія гэта віды фільмаў? 

Listen to Nick talking about films. Write in your exercise-book what films Nick and his family like.
Паслухай Ніка, які расказвае пра фільмы. Запішы ў сваім сшытку якія фільмы падабаюцца Ніку і яго сям'і.

 ▶️ Nick talking about films
  1.  Nick likes ... films. His favourite film is Star Wars.
  2. Rosie likes ... films about monsters very much. Her favourite one is Corporation of  Monsters.
  3. Nick's parents likes ... , because they are funny.
  4. Nick's mum also likes ... films, because of love.
  5. Sometimes Nick's father watches ... , but his mum thinks they are silly.

You can write the answers to the audio in the comments. But first wrtite your name.
Ты можаш напісаць адказы да аудыёфайла ў каментарыях. Але спачатку укажы сваё імя.

пятница, 5 марта 2021 г.

School in Britain / Школа в Великобритании

   Most schools in Britain are for girls and boys. But some are just for girls and some are just for boys! All students in British schools learn the same things.
   There many private schools in Great Britain. You have to pay money to go to a private school. The lesson there can be hard and sometimes there is school in Saturdays, too!
   Grades in Great Britain are letters, not numbers. Teachers use the letters from A to F to show how good homework is. “A” is very good and “F” is very bad.
   In England teachers have their own classrooms. The students have to move around and the teachers don’t.  
   In Great Britain there three terms in the school year. They are from September to December, from January to March and from April to July. There three holidays too. At Christmas and Easter students have two weeks free. In the summer they have 6 weeks.